Thanks for fixing this up for us Caroline :)
That comment was Ryan
Ryan, you know that when you post a comment, you can put your own name at the top instead of Anon or putting your name in the comment.Here's how you do it:Below the comment space there is a selecting box with comment as: beside it. If you click the blue down button, you can acsess different things. click the selection that says Name/URL. Type in your name but no URL. press continue and post the comment.I figured this out when I was doing the wave TV online course.
Ohhh!, thankyou Melman
Are you hear from eme
No worries Ryan! It's great to see you exploring the Olympics Online so well, both in the blog and the learning caves.
I like exploring the Olympics online- thanks so much for setting this up.=}
oh tnx Ryan 4 the advice!
Have you put a message on everyones pag?-Jesse.
Your voki is so funny and cute!..................I want a sloth!!:D
Ryan thanks for your comment but I already knew that by Hina
great voki ryan work hard!
Your really smiley Ryan!
This voki explains your goals and what you like to do aswel as reavealing your personality and what you are working towaards.
Tena koe Ryan. What a great voki you have made, especially if you are 1,811 years old!!!I love how you have made your learning goal really specific. I am sure that you will work really hard to produce an outstanding PLJ, as you have already shown such an impressive attitude to our online learning so far. I look forward to seeing which digital learning tools you choose to use for presenting your learning. Keep up the great work.
Having a positive attitude will always get you to an outstanding P.L.J. =)
yours is AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
great voki ryan
You look all smily!
That was awesome
Thanks, everyone.:)
I really like your learning goals Ryan. I have been very impressed by the way you have taken to the Olympics Online course Ryan. You have shown leadership and initiative. Thank you for all your help so far. :)
Popcorn is scientifically known as Zea Mays Everta. It’s the only type of corn that can expand.The corn kernel, before it expands looks yellow or gold and very grainy and stalky at the bottom. It’s centremetre-long, dry piece of corn. After it has been ‘popped’ the popcorn looks completely different, now it looks white and puffy like a cloud and you can see the caramel -coloured flaky pieces kernel en you break it in half. When you bite into it you can hear the crunch as your teeth bite down on it, demolishing it into little pieces which releases the plain, salty flavour of the popped popcorn.To make popcorn you need a bag of dried popcorn kernels and a popcorn maker. When you have those you simply pour some kernels into the popcorn maker through the top, make sure you have got a bowl at the end of the shoot coming out of the popcorn machine and turn it on. While it is on the 14% of water which is inside the kernel heats up and boils this expands the kernel and it pops out the shoot into the bowl. Then you can pick it up an eat it. Yum!So that is the special popping corn and if it wasn’t for that fact we wouldn’t have this yummy treat! Ryan Tait
Wow Ryan' what a clear explanation! It is so informative. I had no idea that 14% of popcorn was water, and that was what caused it to pop. Thanks for making it clear to me.
Ryan your glogster is very affective and the arrows that are telling you were to read next is very smart.
That is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool great PlJ
Hi Ryan,I am glad you enjoyed the course so much. Thank you for all your input, and for your excellent staffroom presentation.
Thanks Caroline, it's been an amazing expieriance.